✨Final Sale of the Year✨

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Join ThumbPress affiliate program and earn a flat 30% commission on each sale. We sell ThumbPress through Pluggable. Register now on Pluggable and cash in on your referrals!

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Join as an Affiliate

Sign up for the ThumbPress affiliate program today and enjoy unmatched benefits by promoting our plugin.

Promote ThumbPress

Share your ThumbPress affiliate link on your website, blog, social media, and other online platforms to promote our products and services.

Start Earning

Benefit from our straightforward payout system and receive payments for each seller referral and successful conversion.

Affiliate Benefits

  • Get a Flat 30% commission on each sale.
  • The minimum payout threshold is only USD $50.
  • Super active support team.
  • Hassle-free payment clearance.
  • Frequent Promotions.

Things You Can Do

  • Promote the plugin in various communities.
  • Engage with users on social sites and suggest those plugins.
  • Make reviews of the plugin.
  • Create DIY videos using the plugin.
  • Make plugin comparison videos, blog posts, infographics, etc.

Things We Don't Recommend

  • Spam communities with the link or name of the plugin.
  • Getting into a hateful conversation with other plugin users.
  • Using the Blackhat approach to populate search engines.
  • Promoting with an expired or fake coupon and unreal offer.
  • Promoting to the competitor's user groups, social page, or any other threads.
  • Providing false information or features of the plugin.
  • Purchasing a license of the plugins using your own referral link.

Turn Referrals into Revenue with ThumbPress Affiliate Program

Promote our exceptional plugin, enjoy high commission rates, and see your earnings multiply with every successful referral.

Start Earing Today
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